报告题目:The Vehicular Social Network (VSN)-based Sharing of Downloaded Geo Data Using the Credit-based Clustering Scheme
报告人:黄崇明(Chung-Ming Huang)
报告时间:2019-08-25 下午 3:00
报告地点:信息楼 341
报告摘要:This work proposed a clustering scheme called Credit-Based Clustering (CBC) scheme for Point Of Interests’ (POIs’) geo data sharing in Vehicular Social Network (VSN). In the proposed CBC scheme, vehicles that belong to the same VSN can form a cluster to downloaded POIs’ geo data when they are approaching to a new set of POIs. One vehicle is chosen as the cluster head to download POIs’ geo data using its cellular network and shares the downloaded POIs’ geo data to its cluster members using IEEE 802.11p network. This work (1) uses GPS to get vehicles’ locations to calculate the timing of triggering the clustering process, (2) proposes a clustering method to organize a group of vehicles that belong to the same VSN and are proximate with each other for a while during their touring to become a cluster, and (3) deploys a credit scheme to evaluate the credits that the cluster head can get and each cluster member needs to pay to encourage all vehicles to share POIs’ geo data. The simulation results show that the proposed scheme can achieve the goal of fairness, have higher successful ratio of the complete sharing of downloaded POIs’ geo data and the better receiving efficiency.
报告人简介:Chung-Ming Huang received the B.S. degree in electrical engineering from Taiwan University on 1984/6, and the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in computer and information science from The Ohio State University on 1988/12 and 1991/6 respectively. He is a Distinguished Professor of Dept. of Computer Science and Information Engineering, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan, P.R. China. He has been Guest-Editors of some special issues in some international journals; he also served as General Chairs, Program Chair or Vice Program Chair of some international conferences. He has published more than 350 referred journal and conference papers in wireless and mobile communication protocols, interactive multimedia systems, audio and video streaming and formal modeling of communication protocols. His research interests include wireless and mobile network protocol design and analysis, pervasive/ubiquitous computing and communication, media processing and streaming, and innovative network applications and services. He a senior member of IEEE and ACM. More information about him and his lab can be found in the following URL: http://www.mmnetlab.csie.ncku.edu.tw