Secured Multiparty Computation - DAG: A General Model for Privacy-Preserving Data Mining

Title: Secured Multiparty Computation - DAG: A General Model for Privacy-Preserving Data Mining

Speaker: Vincent Lee  

Time: 2016/4/7   14:00—16:00

Venue: Room 429, SCIE Building

Abstract: Secure multi-party computation (SMC) allows parties to jointly compute a function over their inputs, while keeping every input confidential. It has been extensively applied in tasks with privacy requirements, such as privacy-preserving data mining (PPDM), to learn task output and at the same time protect input data privacy. However, existing SMC-based solutions are ad-hoc – they are proposed for specific applications, and thus cannot be applied to other applications directly. To address this issue, we propose a privacy model DAG (Directed Acyclic Graph) that consists of a set of fundamental secure operators (e.g., +, -, _, /, and power). Our model is general – its operators, if pipelined together, can implement various functions, even complicated ones like Naive Bayes classifier. It is also extendable – new secure operators can be defined to expand the functions the model supports. For case study, we have applied our DAG model to two data mining tasks: kernel regression and Naive Bayes. Experimental results show that DAG generates outputs that are almost the same as those by non-private setting, where multiple parties simply disclose their data. The experimental results also show that our DAG model runs in acceptable time, e.g., in kernel regression, when training data size is 683,093, one prediction in non-private setting takes 5.93 sec, and that by our DAG model takes 12.38 sec.

Bio: Vincent Lee, PhD (University of New Castle, 1992, Australia), is an associate professor with Faculty of IT, Monash University in Melbourne of Australia. He is a multi- and inter-disciplinary researchers across adaptive signal processing and control system, computational intelligence, economic and finance, business information systems, and process mining with privacy preserving and information security cryptography systems. His current research focus are on challenging issues (i.e. e-health, smart grid, privacy preserving in data, security analytics, big data fusion) in the context of smart city.  He has published 165 articles in many high reputation journals, such as IEEE TKDE, Signal Processing, IEEE JSAC, EJOR, IEEE P&S Magazine); and IEEE flagship and ACM international conferences.
