1989年9月-1996年3月 就读于浙江大学内燃机专业,分别获学士、硕士学位
1999年3月-2002年6月 就读于浙江大学控制理论与应用专业,获博士学位
(4)、活体细胞立体成像及其在粘膜癌早期诊断中的应用研究 ,省重大科技专项国际合作项目,主持,2008
(5)、应用于嵌入式系统的人脸目标分割与跟踪算法研究,省科技厅面上项目, 参与,2007
(6)、单总线网络嵌入式监测控制系统的研究及应用,省科技厅面上项目, 参与, 2009
(1)琚春华,邢建国, 赵文敏 ,一类基于事件/动作的传感器网络通讯协议设计与实现,传感技术学报,2007
(4)Jun Fu, Canqin Huang, Jianguo Xing,* and Junbao Zheng , Pattern Classification Using an Olfactory Model with PCA Feature Selection in Electronic Noses: Study and Application,Sensors ,12(3),2012
(1)Xing J.G., Zhao W.M., Hu H., An FPGA-based experiment platform for multi-core system, ICYCS 2008, 2567-2571, 2008(EI收录)
(2)Xing J.G., Wang W.L, Zhao W.M., Huang J., A novel multi-touch human-computer-interface based on binocular stereo vision,IUCE 2009, p319-323, 2009 (EI收录)
(3)Hua Hu, Jing Huang, Jianguo Xing, Wenlong Wang, "Key Issues of FPGA Implementation of Neural Networks," iita, vol. 3, pp.259-263, 2008 Second International Symposium on Intelligent Information Technology Application, 2008(EI收录)
(4)Zhao Wenmin Xing Jianguo Ju Chunhua ,A real-time data monitoring system based on sensor network protocol, Computing, Communication, Control, and Management, 2009. CCCM 2009. ISECS International Colloquium on ,p177-181,2009(EI收录)
(5)Zhao Wenmin Xing Jianguo Ju Chunhua ,An Event/Action Based Sensor Network Protocol for Real-time Distributed Control,Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Wireless communications, networking and mobile computing ,2009(EI收录)
(6)Xing J.G., Liu S.F., Zhao W.M., FPGA-Accelerated Real-time Volume Rendering for 3D Medical Image, 3th Int. Conf. on Biomedical Engineering and Informatics, Vol 1,pp.273-276,2010(EI收录)
(7)Xing J.G., Xiang Y.,A Robust Cooperative Collision Waring Algorithm for Unreliable Communication Channel,Proceedings of 2010 International Conference on Optoelectronics and Image Processing,2010(EI收录)
(8)Ouyang Y., Xing J.G., Human Action Recognition Algorithm Based on Minimum Spanning Tree, Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering /Proceedings of the CICA 2011,2011
(9)Xing J.G., Feng M., A Fault-Tolerance Shortest Routing Algorithm with PDPE on (n, k)-Star Graph for NoC, Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering /Proceedings of the CICA 2011,2011